Akamai APIs API Documentation

Hostname buckets

Number of APIs: 4

1. Add or remove hostnames for a property's hostname bucket

PATCH https://{{host}}/papi/v1/properties/:propertyId/hostnames

For a property with useHostnameBucket set to true when created, this operation adds or removes up to 1000 property hostnames without incrementing the property version. Changes automatically activate on the selected network. If a property doesn't have hostname buckets enabled, this operation returns a 403 error. If another activation is in progress, whether it's a hostname activation or a property version activation, the operation fails with a 409 error. Once you perform this operation, it blocks subsequent requests until all the property hostnames are active. Note that to build the request body, you need to first obtain the edgeHostnameId either from an existing edge hostname or a new one you create by running the Create a new edge hostname operation.

Note: If you're using a new account, first register it on the Akamai network by activating any property version on either staging or production. Otherwise, your attempts to create or specify certificates will fail with a 403 error.

2. List property hostname activations

GET https://{{host}}/papi/v1/properties/:propertyId/hostname-activations

For a property with useHostnameBucket set to true at creation, this lists the activations for all hostnames in the property's hostname bucket, on both production and staging networks. To view paginated results, use the response's nextLink and previousLink.

3. Get a property hostname activation

GET https://{{host}}/papi/v1/properties/:propertyId/hostname-activations/:hostnameActivationId?contractId={{contractId}}&groupId={{groupId}}

For a property with useHostnameBucket set to true at creation, this operation gets details about a specific property hostname activation. You typically get a single activation from an activationLink when launching a new property hostname activation and following up to poll its status. For property hostname activations whose status is PENDING, a Retry-After header provides an estimate for when it's likely to change.

4. Cancel a pending property hostname activation

DELETE https://{{host}}/papi/v1/properties/:propertyId/hostname-activations/:hostnameActivationId?contractId={{contractId}}&groupId={{groupId}}

For a property with useHostnameBucket set to true when created, if you detect a problem with a property hostname while its activation is still PENDING, use this operation to cancel it. Make a DELETE request on the activationLink you get from the Add or remove hostnames for a property operation's response. Once you DELETE the activation, it no longer appears in the list of activations, but you can still access it individually.