Akamai APIs API Documentation

Network Lists API v2-Network lists

Number of APIs: 7

1. Create a new network list

POST https://{{host}}/network-list/v2/network-lists

Creates a new network list.

2. List network lists

GET https://{{host}}/network-list/v2/network-lists

List all network lists available for an authenticated user who belongs to a group, optionally filtered by listType or based on a search string. Results appear within the networkLists array, which might be empty if no network lists are available to the client.

3. Get a network list

GET https://{{host}}/network-list/v2/network-lists/:networkListId

Gets a network list's most recent syncPoint version.

4. Update a network list

PUT https://{{host}}/network-list/v2/network-lists/:networkListId

Modify the network list items and properties. Allows you to set the name, description and set of network list items to the resource. The current state of the list will be replaced with the properties and items you provide. The type cannot be changed.

5. Delete a network list

DELETE https://{{host}}/network-list/v2/network-lists/:networkListId

Removes a network list. You can only remove network lists that never activated. To deactivate a list, you can empty out its list of elements.

6. Append elements to a network list

POST https://{{host}}/network-list/v2/network-lists/:networkListId/append

Appends a set of elements to a network list. If the networks list's type is IP, the submitted list is a series of IP addresses or CIDR blocks. If the type is GEO, it's a set of two-character country codes. (See the EdgeScape Documentation for more information. For a list of countries, go to Data CodesCountry Code.)

7. Update network list details

PUT https://{{host}}/network-list/v2/network-lists/:networkListId/details

Update a network list's name or description.