Akamai APIs API Documentation

Network Lists API v2-Elements

Number of APIs: 2

1. Add an element

PUT https://{{host}}/network-list/v2/network-lists/:networkListId/elements?element={{element}}

Adds the specified element to the list. If the network list's type is IP, the value needs to be a URL-encoded IP address or CIDR block. If the type is GEO, it's a two-character country code. (See the EdgeScape Documentation) for more information. For a list of countries, go to Data CodesCountry Code.)

2. Remove an element

DELETE https://{{host}}/network-list/v2/network-lists/:networkListId/elements?element={{element}}

Removes the specified element from the list. If the network list's type is IP, the value is a URL-encoded IP address or CIDR block. If the type is GEO, it's a two-character country code.