AirNow API Documentation

A public community workspace to call now AirNow APIs.

Getting started as a developer:

  1. Create your own AirNow account here and get your API Key.
  2. Click on the Collections tab on the left.
  3. Click on the ... next to the Forecast Collection, and fork it into your workspace.
  4. Open the collection within your workspace, and set the apiKey. The rest of the variables are provided by the Collection and you can set it to your location. Hint: you can use latlong.net to find the latitude and longitude for a given address.
  5. Click Send and you're off to the races!

Getting started as a non-developer:

  1. Create your own AirNow account here and get your API Key.
  2. Click on the Flows tab to the left.
  3. Click on the ... next to Air Quality By Latitude / Longitude (or By Zip Code) Flow, and fork it into your workspace. You can safely pick the default My Workspace.
  4. Click on the Flow within your workspace and set the set the values on the left side of the canvas to the area you want the air quality for. Hint: you can use latlong.net to find the latitude and longitude for a given address.
  5. Click Run and you're off to the races!