Admin API API Documentation

Get Instruments

GET {{URL_ORIGIN}}/api/v2/instruments

This API allows to get a list of all instruments with their details.

NEW v1.30.0 Get Instruments- Fields

Field Type Description
symbol string Optional
free text search by symbol
NEW v1.32.0 see the Suffix/Prefix table below
description string Optional
free text search by description
NEW v1.32.0 see the Suffix/Prefix table below
calendarId int Optional
search by calendarId
tickSizeTableId int Optional
search by tickSizeTableId
tradingModel eNum Optional
search by tradingModel
startDateFrom Date Optional
Search for the instrument that startdate ≥ dateFrom.

NEW v1.31.0for instruments without startDate, send - 0000-01-01T00:00
startDateTo Date Optional
Search for the instrument that startdate < dateTo. Format:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.SSS]
stopDateFrom Date Optional
Search for the instrument that stopdate ≥ dateFrom. Format:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.SSS]

NEW v1.31.0for instruments without stopDate, send - 0000-01-01T00:00
stopDateTo Date Optional
Search for the instrument that stopdate < dateTo. Format:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss[.SSS]
product int Optional
Search by underlyingInstrumentId
NEW v1.31.0for instruments without product - send 0
NEW v1.31.0derivativeInstrumentCategory eNum Optional
Search instruments that has an underling instrument and is in this category NEW v1.32.0 & active
For example see below

for values see in the Category List - here
CHANGED v1.31.0 statuses []eNum Optional
Search by the list of statuses
categories []eNum Optional
Search by catagory.
for values see in the Category List - here
subCategory eNum Optional
Search by sub-catagory.
for values see in the SubCategory List - here
strategy eNum Optional
Search by strategy.
offset int Optional
Which record to start send from
If nothing was sent default is 0 (=first record)
limit int Optional
How many records to include in each page
If nothing was sent default is 10,000
orderBy object Optional
object with 2 parameters:
- field (String) = Symbol
- direction (Asc, Desc) direction

If nothing or invalid field was sent the default is [Symbol, Asc]

Example for derivativeInstrumentCategory instrument -

  • InstrumentId: 1,

  • InstrumentId: 2,

  • InstrumentId: 3,

  • InstrumentId: 4,

  • InstrumentId: 10, underlyingInstrumentId: 1, category: Futures, status: active

  • InstrumentId: 11, underlyingInstrumentId: 2, category: Futures, status: disabled

  • InstrumentId: 12, underlyingInstrumentId: 3, category: Spot, status: active

  • InstrumentId: 13, underlyingInstrumentId: 4, category: Spot, status: disabled

When Derivative Instrument Category = Futures → InstrumentId:1 is returned.

When Derivative Instrument Category = Spot →InstrumentId:3 is returned.

NEW v1.32.0 Suffix & Prefix

Pattern Type Description Sample
Contains the word X Find any description/ symbols that contains X X
Starts with X Find any description/ symbols that start with X X*
Ends with X Find any description/ symbol that ends with X *X
Equal to 'X' Find any description/ symbol that = X 'X'

NEW v1.30.0 Get Instrument- Error Codes

Code Message
102 Single category should be sent
102 Wrong Sub Category
102 Strategies category should be sent
100 Missing or invalid parameter: [FieldName]



Key Datatype Required Description 


Key Datatype Required Description 


status OK

{ "totalCount": "3", "instruments": [ { "id": "24155", "symbol": "INS", "calendarId": "10", "activityStatus": "DISABLED", "minQuantity": "0.1", "maxQuantity": "999999", "pricePrecision": "10", "quantityPrecision": "10", "description": "test", "quoteCurrency": "USD", "auctions": [], "tradingModels": [ "CLOB" ], "minQuantityTradeEntries": [ { "type": "EFRP", "amount": "10" }, { "type": "Block", "amount": "5" }, { "type": "Other", "amount": "5" } ] }, { "id": "24287", "symbol": "Test", "calendarId": "10", "activityStatus": "ACTIVE", "minQuantity": "0.0001", "maxQuantity": "10000000", "pricePrecision": "6", "quantityPrecision": "4", "description": "Testing instrument", "quoteCurrency": "USD", "auctions": [], "tradingModels": [ "CLOB" ] }, { "id": "25459", "symbol": "INS1", "calendarId": "10", "activityStatus": "ACTIVE", "minQuantity": "0.1", "maxQuantity": "9999", "pricePrecision": "10", "quantityPrecision": "10", "description": "Test", "quoteCurrency": "USD", "auctions": [ { "days": [ "SUNDAY" ], "startTimes": [ "10:00:00" ], "duration": "600000", "matchingAlgorithm": "PRICE_AND_TIME", "allowedTimeInForces": [ "GTC" ], "eventsModes": [ "LIT" ], "auctionType": "MANY_TO_MANY", "trigger": "TimeBased", "overrideReferencePrice": false } ], "tradingModels": [ "CLOB" ] } ] }

curl -X GET 'URL_ORIGIN/api/v2/instruments'