Acquired.com API API Documentation

Direct Debit

Number of APIs: 6

1. Create a mandate

POST {{url}}:customer_id/mandates

Create a mandate associated to a customer_id.

If you are creating a mandate for a new customer, submit a request to the /customers endpoint first, and then append the returned customer_id to the url path. For existing customers, simply append the customer_id to your mandate request.


2. Create a collection

POST {{url}}payments/collection

Create a Direct Debit collection against a mandate_id to collect payments from the customer's bank account.

Include the collection amount and the relating mandate_id in your request.


3. Cancel a mandate

POST mandates/:mandate_id/cancel

This API endpoint allows for the immediate cancellation of a mandate. Any custom data supplied to this endpoint will be linked to the resulting mandate cancellation event. 


4. Cancel a Direct Debit collection

POST {{url}}transactions/:transaction_id/cancel

Use this function to cancel a Direct Debit transaction if it hasn't been submitted to the banks. Any custom data supplied to this endpoint will be stored against the payment cancellation event. 


5. Process a retry

POST transactions/:transaction_id/retry

Acquired provides the option to retry Direct Debit transactions that have been declined, specifically in cases where the failure occurred due to insufficient funds.


6. Retrieve a mandate

GET {{url}}mandates/:mandate_id

Utilise this endpoint to retrieve information associated with a specific mandate. Just add the necessary mandate_id to your request, and we will return the relevant data.
