Number of APIs: 5
API to create and manage account data. The API defines basic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations for customers. This API was created for educational purposes, and it was intended to be used for Qodex Academy demos and hands-on exercises.
1. Add Account
POST {{url}}/v1/accounts
Creates a new account record. The account record will be automatically assigned an account UUID. The new account UUID will be returned by the server in the response.
2. Get Accounts
GET {{url}}/v1/accounts?query=doe&limit=25
Retrieves all account records and all their details. It has optional filters that allows the account list to be filtered by last name and limit the number of results.
3. Get Account
GET {{url}}/v1/accounts/:accountID
Retrieves a single account and their details by the customer's UUID.
PUT {{url}}/v1/accounts/:accountID
Updates the details of the specified account. You can send only the properties and values that must be updated.
DELETE {{url}}/v1/accounts/:accountID
Deletes a single account and all of their details by the customer's UUID.