30daysofpostman API Documentation

Postman API

Number of APIs: 78

The Qodex API allows you to programmatically access data stored in Qodex account with ease.

The easiest way to get started with the API is to click the fork button to fork this collection to your own workspace and use Qodex to send requests.


  1. You need a valid API Key to send requests to the API endpoints. You can get your key from the integrations dashboard.

  2. The API has an access rate limit applied to it.

  3. The Qodex API will only respond to secured communication done over HTTPS. HTTP requests will be sent a 301 redirect to corresponding HTTPS resources.

  4. Response to every request is sent in JSON format. In case the API request results in an error, it is represented by an "error": {} key in the JSON response.

  5. The request method (verb) determines the nature of action you intend to perform. A request made using the GET method implies that you want to fetch something from Qodex, and POST implies you want to save something new to Qodex.

  6. The API calls will respond with appropriate HTTP status codes for all requests. Within Qodex Client, when a response is received, the status code is highlighted and is accompanied by a help text that indicates the possible meaning of the response code. A 200 OK indicates all went well, while 4XX or 5XX response codes indicate an error from the requesting client or our API servers respectively.

  7. Individual resources in your Qodex Account is accessible using its unique id (uid). The uid is a simple concatenation of the resource owner's user-id and the resource-id. For example, a collection's uid is {{owner_id}}-{{collection_id}}.


An API Key is required to be sent as part of every request to the Qodex API, in the form of an X-Api-Key request header.

If you do not have an API Key, you can easily generate one by heading over to the Qodex Integrations Dashboard.

An API Key tells our API server that the request it received came from you. Everything that you have access to in Qodex is accessible with an API Key that is generated by you.

For ease of use inside Qodex, you could store your API key in an environment variable called Qodex_api_key and this Collection will automatically use it to make API calls.

API Key related error response

If an API Key is missing, malformed, or invalid, you will receive a 401 Unauthorised response code and the following JSON response:

  "error": { 
    "name": "AuthenticationError",
    "message": "API Key missing. Every request requires an API Key to be sent."

Using the API Key as a query parameter

Every request that accepts API Key as X-Api-Key request header, also accepts the key when sent as apikey URL query parameter.

API key sent as part of the header has a higher priority in case you send the key using both request header and query parameter.

Rate Limits

API access rate limits are applied at a per-key basis in unit time. Access to the API using a key is limited to 300 requests per minute. In addition, every API response is accompanied by the following set of headers to identify the status of your consumption.

Header Description
X-RateLimit-Limit The maximum number of requests that the consumer is permitted to make per minute.
X-RateLimit-Remaining The number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window.
X-RateLimit-Reset The time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds.

Once you hit the rate limit, you will receive a response similar to the following JSON, with a status code of 429 Too Many Requests.

  "error": {
    "name": "rateLimitError",
    "message": "Rate Limit exceeded. Please retry at 1465452702843"


For help regarding accessing the Qodex API, feel free to discuss it in our Discourse Community. You can also drop in a line at help@getQodex.com.

In the event you receive a 503 response from our servers, it implies that we have hit an unexpected spike in API access traffic and would usually be operational within the next 5 minutes. If the outage persists, or your receive any other form of 5XX error, kindly let us know.

Terms of Use

For information on API terms of use and privacy, refer to our terms at [ and our privacy policy at [

API Reference

1. Collections - All Collections

GET https://api.getpostman.com/collections

The /collections endpoint returns a list of all collections that are accessible by you. The list includes your own collections and the collections that you have subscribed to.

The response contains an array of collection information containing the name, id, owner and uid of each collection.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

2. Collections - Single Collection

GET https://api.getpostman.com/collections/{{collectionUid}}

Access the contents of a collection that is accessible to you using its unique id (uid).

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

3. Collections - Create a collection

POST https://api.getpostman.com/collections

Creates a collection using the [Qodex Collection v2 schema format]

4. Collections - Update Collection

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/collections/{{collectionUid}}

This endpoint allows you to update an existing collection using the Qodex Collection v2 format. For more information about the v2 schema, check the format here.

On successful updation of the collection, the response returns the collection name, id and uid.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

Note: Please be careful when trying to update the collection, as the existing collection will be replaced by the request body.

5. Collections - Delete Collection

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/collections/{{collectionUid}}

This endpoint allows you to delete an existing collection.

On successful deletion of the collection, the response returns the id and uid.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

6. Collections - Create a Fork

POST https://api.getpostman.com/collections/fork/{{collectionUid}}?workspace={{workspaceId}}

This endpoint allows you to create a fork from an existing collection.

On successful creation of the collection, the response returns the collection name, id, uid along with fork information.

You can also specify the context of a workspace to fork a collection in by passing the workspace as a query param.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

7. Collections - Merge a Fork

POST https://api.getpostman.com/collections/merge

This endpoint allows you to merge a forked collection back to its destination collection.

On successful creation of the collection, the response returns the collection name, id and uid.

You need to specify the fork UID (as source) and destination collection UID (as destination) in the request body.

Optionally, you can also specify the merge strategy as either deleteSource or updateSourceWithDestination. Following is an explanation of the merge strategies

Merge Strategy Behaviour
deleteSource Forked collection is deleted after merging
updateSourceWithDestination Forked collection is up to date with changes in destination collection

If the collections cannot be merged (due to conflicts), appropriate error messages will be returned.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

8. Environments - All Environments

GET https://api.getpostman.com/environments

The /environments endpoint returns a list of all environments that belong to you..

The response contains an array of environments' information containing the name, id, owner and uid of each environment.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

9. Environments - Single Environment

GET https://api.getpostman.com/environments/{{environmentUid}}

Access the contents of an environment that is accessible to you using its unique id (uid).

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

10. Environments - Create Environment

POST https://api.getpostman.com/environments

A sample body is added to the request that conforms to the following JSON schema:

  "type": "object",
  "properties": {
    "environment": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "name": {
              "type": "string",
              "maxLength": 254,
              "minLength": 1
        "values": {
          "type": "array",
          "maxItems": 100,
          "additionalItems": false,
          "items": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                "key": {
                  "type": "string",
                  "maxLength": 254
                  "minLength": 1
                "value": { "type": "string" },
                "enabled": { "type": "boolean" }
              "required": ["key", "value"]
      "required": ["name"]
  "required": ["environment"]

On successful creation of the environment, the API returns the environment name and id.

You can also specify the context of a workspace to create an environment in directly by passing the workspace as a query param.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

11. Environments - Update Environment

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/environments/{{environmentUid}}

This endpoint replaces an existing environment.

A sample body is added to the request that conforms to the following JSON schema:

    "type": "object",
    "properties": {
        "environment": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
                "name": {
                    "type": "string",
                    "maxLength": 254,
                    "minLength": 1
                "values": {
                    "type": "array",
                    "maxItems": 100,
                    "additionalItems": false,
                    "items": {
                        "type": "object",
                        "properties": {
                            "key": {
                                "type": "string",
                                "maxLength": 254,
                                "minLength": 1
                            "value": {
                                "type": "string",
                                "maxLength": 254,
                                "minLength": 1
                            "type": {
                                "type": "string"
                            "enabled": {
                                "type": "boolean"
                        "required": [
    "required": [

On successful updation of the environment, the API returns the environment name and id.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

12. Environments - Delete Environment

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/environments/{{environmentUid}}

This endpoint allows you to delete a single environment based on an environment's unique uid.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

13. Mocks - Get all mock servers

GET https://api.getpostman.com/mocks

Gets all mock servers.

14. Mocks - Get a mock server

GET https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}

Gets information about a mock server.

15. Mocks - Create a mock server

POST https://api.getpostman.com/mocks?workspace={{workspaceId}}

Creates a mock server in a collection. Include a mock object in the request body that contains following properties:

  • collection — A string that contians the collection ID.

You can include the following optional properties in the request body:

  • environment — A string that contains the environment ID to associate with the mock server.
  • name — A string that contains the the mock server's name.

16. Mocks - Update a mock server

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}

Updates a mock server. Include the mock object in the request body with one or more of the following properties:

  • name — A string that contains the mock server's name.
  • environment — A string that contains the environment UID.
  • private — A boolean value that, if true, sets the mock server as private.
  • versionTag — A string that contains the API's version tag ID.
  • config — An object that contains the following properties:
    • serverResponseId — A string that contains the server response ID. This sets the given server response as the default response for each request.

17. Mocks - Delete a mock server

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}

Deletes a mock server.

18. Mocks - Publish a mock server

POST https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}/publish

Publishes a mock server. Publishing a mock server sets its Access Control configuration setting to public.

19. Mocks - Unpublish a mock server

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}/unpublish

Unpublishes a mock server. Unpublishing a mock server sets its Access Control configuration setting to private.

20. Mocks - Get a mock server's call logs

GET https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}/call-logs

Gets a mock server's call logs. You can get a maximum of 6.5MB of call logs or a total of 100 call logs, whichever limit is met first in one API call.

Call logs contain exchanged request and response data made to mock servers. The logs provide visibility into how the mock servers are being used. You can log data to debug, test, analyze, and more, depending upon the use case.

21. Mocks - Create a server stub

POST https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}/server-responses

Creates a server response stub. Server response stubs let you simulate 5xx server level responses, such as 500 or 503.

Server level responses, such as 500 or 503, are agnostic to application-level logic. Server stubs let you simulate this behavior on a mock server. You do not need to define each error for all exposed paths on the mock server.

If you set a server stubs as active, then all the calls to the mock server return with that active server stub's response.

You can create multiple server responses for a mock server, but only one mock server can be set as active.

You must include the following properties in the request body:

  • name — A string that contains the server response's name.
  • statusCode — An integer that contains the server stub's 5xx response code. This property only accepts 5xx values.

You can also include the following optional properties:

  • headers — An array of objects that contains the server stub's headers:
    • key — A string that contains the header's key.
    • value — A string that contains the header key's value. This value defines the corresponding value for the header key.
  • body — A string that contains a response body that returns when you call the mock server.

22. Mocks - Get all server stubs

GET https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}/server-responses

Gets all of a mock server's server stubs.

23. Mocks - Get a server stub

GET https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}/server-responses/{{serverResponseId}}

Gets information about a mock server's server stub.

24. Mocks - Update a server stub

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}/server-responses/{{serverResponseId}}

Updates a mock server's server stub. Include at least one of the following properties in the request body:

  • name — A string that contains the server response's name.
  • statusCode — A string that contains the server stub's response code. This property only accepts 5xx values.
  • headers — An array of objects that contains the server stub's headers:
    • key — A string that contains the header's key.
    • value — A string that contains the header key's value. This value defines the corresponding value for the header key.
  • body — A string that contains a response body that returns when you call the mock server.

25. Mocks - Delete a server stub

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/mocks/{{mockUid}}/server-responses/{{serverResponseId}}

Deletes a mock server's sever response stub.

26. Monitors - All Monitors

GET https://api.getpostman.com/monitors

The /monitors endpoint returns a list of all monitors that are accessible by you.

The response contains an array of monitors information containing the name, id, owner and uid of each monitor.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

27. Monitors - Single Monitor

GET https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitorUid}}

This endpoint fetches you basic information about the monitor using its uid.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

28. Monitors - Create Monitor

POST https://api.getpostman.com/monitors

This endpoint allows you to create a monitor.

Some sample cron values are:

Frequency Cron Pattern
Every 5 minutes */5 * * * *
Every 30 minutes */30 * * * *
Every Hour 0 */1 * * *
Every 6 Hours 0 */6 * * *
Every day at 5pm 0 17 * * *
Every Monday at 12pm 0 12 * * MON
Every weekday (Monday - Friday) at 6am 0 6 * * MON-FRI

Note: Currently, you can only create monitors at some limited schedules. You can head to Qodex Monitors to see the allowed schedules.

For more information about the format of the timezone value, check this list of time zones.

You can also specify the context of a workspace to create a monitor in directly by passing the workspace as a query param.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

29. Monitors - Update Monitor

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitorUid}}

This endpoint allows you to update a monitor using its uid. Only the monitor name and its schedule can be updated.

Some example cron values are:

Frequency Cron Pattern
Every 5 minutes */5 * * * *
Every 30 minutes */30 * * * *
Every Hour 0 */1 * * *
Every 6 Hours 0 */6 * * *
Every day at 5pm 0 17 * * *
Every Monday at 12pm 0 12 * * MON
Every weekday (Monday - Friday) at 6am 0 6 * * MON-FRI

Note: Currently, you can only create monitors at some limited schedules. You can head to Qodex Monitors to see the allowed schedules.

For more information about the format of the timezone value, check this list of time zones.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

30. Monitors - Delete Monitor

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitorUid}}

This endpoint can be used to delete an existing monitor using its uid.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

31. Monitors - Run a Monitor

POST https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitorUid}}/run

This endpoint will run the monitor instantly and wait for the monitor to run completely. It responds with the run results.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

32. Workspaces - All workspaces

GET https://api.getpostman.com/workspaces

The /workspaces endpoint returns a list of all workspaces that is accessible by you. The list includes your own workspaces and the workspaces that you have access to.

The response contains an array of collection information containing the name, id, and type of each workspace.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

33. Workspaces - Single workspace

GET https://api.getpostman.com/workspaces/{{workspace_id}}

Access the contents of a workspace that is accessible to you using its id (id). Includes the collections, environments, mocks and monitors of that workspace.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

34. Workspaces - Create Workspace

POST https://api.getpostman.com/workspaces

This endpoint allows you to create a workspace and populate it with entities like collections, environments, mocks and monitors using their uid.

On successful creation of the workspace, the response returns the workspcae name and id.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

35. Workspaces - Update Workspace

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/workspaces/{{workspace_id}}

This endpoint allows you to update a workspace and update it's association to entities like collections, environments, mocks and monitors using their uid.

On successful updation of the workspace, the response returns the workspcae name and id.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

Note : The endpoint expects you to send the desired state of the workspace in terms of the associated entities so be careful when trying to update these entities.

For eg. if your workspace has collections A and B, and in the update call, you send C's uid in the collections array, then A and B would be removed from the workspace and C would be added.

36. Workspaces - Delete Workspace

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/workspaces/{{workspace_id}}

This endpoint allows you to delete an existing workspace.

On successful deletion of the workspace, the response returns the id.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

37. User - API Key Owner

GET https://api.getpostman.com/me

the /me Qodex API endpoint lets you access information about the authenticated user. You can retrieve the authenticated user's username, full name, e-mail address, and any other available information.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

38. Import - Import external API specification

POST https://api.getpostman.com/import/openapi

This endpoint allows you to import external API specifications into Qodex.

Currently, this endpoint only supports the OpenAPI specification, for which the importType will be openapi.

On a successful import, the response will be an array with each element contaning id, name and uid of entities created.

Supported types:

  • string
  • json
  • file

The input parameter should be defined based on the type.

To import a file, request body must be form-data with type param set to file.

Note: Refer to examples for different scenarios.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header.

39. Import - Import exported data

POST https://api.getpostman.com/import/exported

This endpoint allows you to import your exported Qodex data. For more information about how you can export your data, refer Export your Qodex data.

On successful imports, the response will be an array with Each element contaning id, name and uid of entities created.

Note: Refer to examples for different scenarios.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header.

40. API-API Version - Create API Version

POST https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions

This call creates a new API version in the specified API.

Request body should contain a version object which should have fields:

name Required. Name of the API Version
source If specified, it will copy the contents of the specified api version to create a new api verison.
id Required. Id of the apiversion from where the details are to be copied
schema Boolean. If true then copies the schema from the specified api version
relations Object. {"<relationType>": true/false}. Allowed relation types are `mock`, `monitor`, `documentation`, `contracttest`, `integrationtest`, `testsuite`, `environment` Relation types which should be copied over to the new api verison

Response contains a version object with all the details related to the created API Version, namely, id, name, api.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

41. API-API Version - Update an API Version

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}

This call updates an existing API Version.

Request body should contain a version object with the fields which need to be updated. Only field which can be updated is name.

Response contains a version object with all the details related to the created API Version, namely, id, name, api etc.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

42. API-API Version - Delete an API Version

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}

This call deletes an existing API Version having the specified id.

Response contains an version object with id of the API Version which was deleted.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

43. API-API Version - Get an API Version

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}

This call fetches details about the specified API Version.

The response will contain a version object which would contain all the details of the API Version.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

44. API-API Version - Get All API Versions

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions

This call fetches details about the all the API Versions in the specified API.

The response will contain an array versions object which would be a list of all the API Version along with their details.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

45. API-Schema - Create a schema

POST https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/schemas

Creates a schema. The request body must contain a schema object with the following properties:

  • type — A string value that contains the schema's type. One of:
    • openapi3_1
    • openapi3
    • openapi2
    • openapi1
    • raml
    • raml1
    • wsdl1
    • wsdl2
    • graphql
    • proto2
    • graphql
    • proto3
  • language — A string value that contains the schema's language. One of:
    • OpenAPI and RAML — json or yaml
    • GraphQL — graphql
    • WSDL — xml
    • Protobuf — proto
  • schema — Optional. A string value that contains the schema's contents.

Requires an API Key as the X-Api-Key request header or an apikey URL query parameter.

46. API-Schema - Update a schema

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}

Updates a schema. The request body must contain a schema object with the following properties:

  • type — A string value that contains the schema's type. One of:
    • openapi3_1
    • openapi3
    • openapi2
    • openapi1
    • raml
    • raml1
    • wsdl1
    • wsdl2
    • graphql
    • proto2
    • graphql
    • proto3
  • language — A string value that contains the schema's language. One of:
    • OpenAPI and RAML — json or yaml
    • GraphQL — graphql
    • WSDL — xml
    • Protobuf — proto
  • schema — Optional. A string value that contains the schema's contents.

Requires an API Key as the X-Api-Key request header or an apikey URL query parameter.

47. API-Schema - Get Schema

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}

This call fetches a single schema having the specified id.

Response contains a schema object with all the details related to the schema, namely, id, language, type, schema etc.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

48. API-Schema - Create collection from schema

POST https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/schemas/{{schemaId}}/collections?workspace=c90a3482-f80d-43d6-9dfb-0830f5e43605

This call creates a collection and links it to an API as one or multiple relations.

Request body requires two keys: - name - Name of the collection to be created. - relations - A list of relation(s) to be created.

The allowed relation types are contracttest, integrationtest, testsuite, and documentation.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

49. API-Relations - Get linked relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/relations

This call fetches all the relations which are linked to the specified API version along with their details.

The response will contain a relations object which lists all the relation types which are linked to the API version. Each of the relation type will be an object which details the relations of this type.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

50. API-Relations - Get documentation relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/documentation

This call fetches all the relations by type which are linked to the specified API version along with their details.

The response will contain an array with key {{relationType}}. Each of the item will consist of all the details related each of the relation.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

51. API-Relations - Get environment relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/environment

This call fetches all the relations by type which are linked to the specified API version along with their details.

The response will contain an array with key {{relationType}}. Each of the item will consist of all the details related each of the relation.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

52. API-Relations - Get test suite relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/testsuite

This call fetches all the relations by type which are linked to the specified API version along with their details.

The response will contain an array with key {{relationType}}. Each of the item will consist of all the details related each of the relation.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

53. API-Relations - Get contract test relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/contracttest

This call fetches all the relations by type which are linked to the specified API version along with their details.

The response will contain an array with key {{relationType}}. Each of the item will consist of all the details related each of the relation.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

54. API-Relations - Get integration test relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/integrationtest

This call fetches all the relations by type which are linked to the specified API version along with their details.

The response will contain an array with key {{relationType}}. Each of the item will consist of all the details related each of the relation.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

55. API-Relations - Get all test relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/test

This call fetches all types test relations linked to the specified API version. This includes the testsuites, integrationtest, and contracttest relations.

The response contains a test object. Each item contains details about each test.

This call requires an API Key as the X-Api-Key request header or the apikey URL query parameter.

56. API-Relations - Get monitor relations

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/monitor

This call fetches all the relations by type which are linked to the specified API version along with their details.

The response will contain an array with key {{relationType}}. Each of the item will consist of all the details related each of the relation.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

57. API-Relations - Create relations

POST https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/relations

This call allows you to add existing Qodex entities as new relations to an API. The request body should contain the relations to be created along with an array of entity IDs.

Relation Entity ID type
contracttest Collection UIDs
integrationtest Collection UIDs
documentation Collection UIDs
testsuite Collection UIDs
environment Environment UIDs
mock Mock IDs
monitor Monitor IDs

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

58. API-Relations - Sync relations with schema

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/apis/:apiId/versions/:apiVersionId/:entityType/:entityId/syncWithSchema

This call allows you to keep the relation in sync with the API schema.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

59. API-Release - Create Release

POST https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/releases

This call creates a new release in the specified API.

The request body should contain a release object which should have fields:

Name of the Release
Summary of the release
Description of the release
Value can be private or public
This should be a valid Git tag in the repository connected with the API version

Response contains a release object with all the details related to the created release, namely, id, name, summary, description, visbility and gitTag.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

60. API-Release - Delete release

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/releases/{{releaseId}}

61. API-Release - Get a Release

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/:apiId/versions/:apiVersionId/releases/:releaseId

This endpoint can be called to get information about a particular Release of the given API Version.

62. API-Release - Update Release

PATCH https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}/versions/{{apiVersionId}}/releases/{{releaseId}}

This call updates an existing release in the specified API Version.

The request body should contain a release object which can have the following fields:

Name of the Release
Summary of the release
Description of the release
Value can be either private or public
This should be a valid Git tag in the repository connected with the API version

Response contains a release object with all the details related to the updated release, namely, id, name, summary, description, visbility and gitTag.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

63. API-Release - Get all releases

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/:apiId/versions/:apiVersionId/releases

64. API - Create API

POST https://api.getpostman.com/apis?workspace=c90a3482-f80d-43d6-9dfb-0830f5e43605

This call creates a new API with a default API Version.

Request body should contain an api object which should atleast have a property name.

Response contains an api object with all the details related to the created API, namely, id, name, summary, description, etc.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

65. API - Update an API

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}

This call updates an existing API .

Request body should contain an api object which should have the fields to be updated. Only name, summary and description fields can be edited for an API.

Response contains an api object with all the details related to the created API, namely, id, name, summary, description etc.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

66. API - Delete an API

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}

This call deletes an existing API having the specified id.

Response contains an api object with id of the API which was deleted.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

67. API - Get all APIs

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis

This call fetches all the APIs present in the specified workspace

Response contains an array named apis which would contain all the details of APIs present in the workspace.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

68. API - Single API

GET https://api.getpostman.com/apis/{{apiId}}

This call fetches a single API having the specified id.

Response contains an api object with all the details related to the queried API, namely, id, name, summary, description etc.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

69. Webhooks - Create a webhook

POST https://api.getpostman.com/webhooks

Creates a webhook that triggers a collection with a custom payload. You can get the webhook's URL from the webhookUrl property in the endpoint's response.

Include the following properties in a webhook object in the request body:

  • name — The webhook's name. On success, the system creates a new monitor with this name in the Monitors tab.
  • collection — The collection UID to trigger when calling this webhook.

70. SCIM 2.0 - Identity-User Provisioning - Fetch User Resource

GET https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users/{{id}}

Fetches an individual Qodex team member's information.

71. SCIM 2.0 - Identity-User Provisioning - Fetch All User Resource

GET https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users

Fetches information on all Qodex team members. You can fetch information for a particular user with filters.

Note: By default, this endpoint will return a list of hundred users. To overwrite the default setting, update the 'startIndex=1&count=100' value in the request.

72. SCIM 2.0 - Identity-User Provisioning - Create User

POST https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users

Creates a new user account in Qodex, adds the user to your organization's Qodex team, and activates the user to authenticate into your Qodex team, provided an account with the same email ID does not already exist in Qodex. The newly added user will have the developer role in Qodex by default. You can later update user roles in Qodex.

If an account with the same email ID does exist, an [email invite] to join your Qodex team is sent to the user. Once the user accepts the invite, they will be added to your team.

73. SCIM 2.0 - Identity-User Provisioning - Update User Information

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users/{{id}}

Updates a user’s first and last name in Qodex.

Only updates made to the user’s given and family name via the SCIM API will be pushed to Qodex. No other user attributes can be updated in Qodex using the SCIM API.

74. SCIM 2.0 - Identity-User Provisioning - Update User Information

PATCH https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users/{{id}}

Updates user state in Qodex: * Activate User: Creates a new user on your Qodex team, if one does not already exist, and activates the user to authenticate into your Qodex team. * Deactivate User: Removes a user from your Qodex team and deactivates their account, blocking the account from authenticating into Qodex.

The user account and the data corresponding to it will not be deleted. To permanently delete the user account and their data, [contact Qodex support] * Reactivate Users: Reactivates an existing deactivated user by unblocking the account's authentication into Qodex and adds the account back on to your Qodex team.

75. SCIM 2.0 - Identity - Service Provider Config

GET https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/ServiceProviderConfig

Returns configuration details for Qodex's SCIM API, including the list of operations that are supported.

76. SCIM 2.0 - Identity - Get ResourceTypes

GET https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/ResourceTypes

Returns all the resource types supported by Qodex's SCIM API.

77. API Security - Schema Security Validation

POST https://api.getpostman.com/security/api-validation

This endpoint will perform static analysis on the Schema specification. It will return the security misses in your schema definition and help you understand their implications and possible ways to patch the warnings. You can introduce this endpoint to your CI/CD process to automate your schema validation.

Request Body(max size 10MB)

Key Value Type Required Description
type Enum(openapi3, openapi2) Yes Type of Schema Specification
language Enum(json, yaml) Yes Format of Schema Specification
schema String Yes Stringified Schema Body

Visit Learning Center for more information

78. Audit Logs - Team Audit Logs

GET https://api.getpostman.com/audit/logs?since={{since}}&until={{until}}&limit={{limit}}&cursor={{cursor}}

The /audit/logs endpoint returns a list of audit events generated for your team. The complete list of all the audit events is available on our [Learning Center] page.

The API response contains an array named trails which contains the details for each audit event such as what was the action, who performed the action, when was it performed, etc.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.