30 days Postman challenge API Documentation


Number of APIs: 6

1. Single Monitor

GET https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitor_uid}}

This endpoint fetches you basic information about the monitor using its uid.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

2. Create Monitor

POST https://api.getpostman.com/monitors

This endpoint allows you to create a monitor.

Some sample cron values are:

Frequency Cron Pattern
Every 5 minutes */5 * * * *
Every 30 minutes */30 * * * *
Every Hour 0 */1 * * *
Every 6 Hours 0 */6 * * *
Every day at 5pm 0 17 * * *
Every Monday at 12pm 0 12 * * MON
Every weekday (Monday - Friday) at 6am 0 6 * * MON-FRI

Note: Currently, you can only create monitors at some limited schedules. You can head to Qodex Monitors to see the allowed schedules.

For more information about the format of the timezone value, check this list of time zones.

You can also specify the context of a workspace to create a monitor in directly by passing the workspace as a query param.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

3. All Monitors

GET https://api.getpostman.com/monitors

The /monitors endpoint returns a list of all monitors that are accessible by you.

The response contains an array of monitors information containing the name, id, owner and uid of each monitor.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

4. Update Monitor

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitor_uid}}

This endpoint allows you to update a monitor using its uid. Only the monitor name and its schedule can be updated.

Some example cron values are:

Frequency Cron Pattern
Every 5 minutes */5 * * * *
Every 30 minutes */30 * * * *
Every Hour 0 */1 * * *
Every 6 Hours 0 */6 * * *
Every day at 5pm 0 17 * * *
Every Monday at 12pm 0 12 * * MON
Every weekday (Monday - Friday) at 6am 0 6 * * MON-FRI

Note: Currently, you can only create monitors at some limited schedules. You can head to Qodex Monitors to see the allowed schedules.

For more information about the format of the timezone value, check this list of time zones.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

5. Delete Monitor

DELETE https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitor_uid}}

This endpoint can be used to delete an existing monitor using its uid.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.

6. Run a Monitor

POST https://api.getpostman.com/monitors/{{monitor_uid}}/run

This endpoint will run the monitor instantly and wait for the monitor to run completely. It responds with the run results.

Requires API Key as X-Api-Key request header or apikey URL query parameter.