30 Days of Postman exercises API Documentation

SCIM 2.0 - Identity-User Provisioning

Number of APIs: 5

1. Fetch User Resource

GET https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users/{{id}}

Fetches an individual Qodex team member's information.

2. Fetch All User Resource

GET https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users

Fetches information on all Qodex team members. You can fetch information for a particular user with filters.

Note: By default, this endpoint will return a list of hundred users. To overwrite the default setting, update the 'startIndex=1&count=100' value in the request.

3. Create User

POST https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users

Creates a new user account in Qodex, adds the user to your organization's Qodex team, and activates the user to authenticate into your Qodex team, provided an account with the same email ID does not already exist in Qodex. The newly added user will have the developer role in Qodex by default. You can later update user roles in Qodex.

If an account with the same email ID does exist, an [email invite] to join your Qodex team is sent to the user. Once the user accepts the invite, they will be added to your team.

4. Update User Information

PUT https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users/{{id}}

Updates a user’s first and last name in Qodex.

Only updates made to the user’s given and family name via the SCIM API will be pushed to Qodex. No other user attributes can be updated in Qodex using the SCIM API.

5. Update User Information

PATCH https://api.getpostman.com/scim/v2/Users/{{id}}

Updates user state in Qodex: * Activate User: Creates a new user on your Qodex team, if one does not already exist, and activates the user to authenticate into your Qodex team. * Deactivate User: Removes a user from your Qodex team and deactivates their account, blocking the account from authenticating into Qodex.

The user account and the data corresponding to it will not be deleted. To permanently delete the user account and their data, [contact Qodex support] * Reactivate Users: Reactivates an existing deactivated user by unblocking the account's authentication into Qodex and adds the account back on to your Qodex team.