2cloudnine Payroll API API Documentation

REST-Objects-Payment Terms

Number of APIs: 2

1. Payment Terms Upsert

PATCH {{url}}/services/data/v{{version}}/sobjects/:SOBJECT_API_NAME/:EXTERNAL_ID_FIELD/:EXTERNAL_ID

  • Insert: Use the POST request to create a new client.
  • Upsert: Use the PUT request to create a new client or update an existing one.
  • Update: Use the PATCH request to update an existing client.
  • Retrieve: Use the GET request to retrieve information about a specific client.
  • Delete: Use the DELETE request to delete a client.

2. Payment Terms by External ID

GET {{url}}/services/data/v{{version}}/sobjects/:SOBJECT_API_NAME/:FIELD_NAME/:FIELD_VALUE

Creates new records or updates existing records (upserts records) based on the value of a specified external ID field.

If the specified value doesn't exist, a new record is created. If a record does exist with that value, the field values specified in the request body are updated. If the value is not unique, the REST API returns a 300 response with the list of matching records.